5 simple things to feed your inspiration

We all have those days where you just feel a bit flat and you need a little inspiring pick me up but can’t even be bothered to think about what to do. Here are 5 simple things you can easily do to help lift the day and feed your creativity and inspiration.

1) Treat yourself to a creative magazine - there are so many amazing ones out there now and a lot of the big supermarkets stock them, so they are super easy to get. A few I read are, Simple Things, Oh Comley, Flow, Frankie, 91 Mag.

2) Cook something you have never had before - maybe don’t even use a recipe just look in your cupboard and make it up. We all get stuck in a rut with what we cook, so be daring and try something new.

3) Pot a plant outside or if you are short on time pick some flowers from your garden and put them in a vase, being outdoors is great for the mind and gardening is proven to make you happy.

4) Re-style a shelf or sort out a messy drawer - organising a small area in your home makes you feel like you have achieved something.

5) Light and candle or some incense, sit in your favourite place with a cuppa and listen to your favourite song - mine at the moment is by the Parcels called ‘Comedown’. Check it out, it funky awesomeness.