Lighting and Sleep

My husband has been reading a book called Why We Sleep and he came across some interesting information linking lighting and sleep, so I thought I would share.

The end of the day is signalled by it getting dark, as humans our bodies used to use this as clock, getting us ready to sleep. But with the invention of the light bulb, this changed our sleeping habits.

“The artificial light that bathes our modern worlds will therefore halt the forward progress of biological time that is normally signalled by the evening surge in melatonin.”

We obviously can’t get away from the modern world but there are different types of light that can impact our sleep. Blue light is the worst as it suppresses melatonin.

“evening blue LED light has twice the harmful impact on nighttime melatonin suppression than the warm, yellow light from old incandescent bulbs”

I have always had an aversion to bluer lighting, so knowing it is scientific fact that warmer bulbs are better for relaxing and sleep is comforting.

I design my Bright Corner lights to project just the right amount glow. I tested a lot of bulbs in the design process, they had to be warm in colour temperature but low in light, creating that cosy environment, which is what is suggested in this book for a better nights sleep.

“create lowered, dim light in the rooms where you spend your evening hours. Avoid powerful overhead lights. Mood lighting is the order of the night.”

If you want to read more from the book, it is called Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker and you can see my range of Bright Corner lights here (all included with a warm, low light bulb).


Chloe x